Welcome to

The Kāmahi Trust

Assisting young people to make a significant difference

We are a charitable trust, dedicated to assisting young people to make a significant difference to our world through projects with environmental and social impact.

The assistance the Trust provides is in the form of time, support, mentoring, and monetary grants.


Kāmahi Trust Projects

We are looking for people who are clearly exceptional and will make a significant impact; either to the environment, society or both.


Environmental projects

Projects that will make a significant difference to our environment


Social impact projects

Projects that will make a significant difference to our society

The Kāmahi Trust is a registered charity with the registration number CC58513.

Support The Kāmahi Trust

If you would like to donate to The Kāmahi Trust, please click here.

Our Vision

  • To assist young people to make a significant difference to our world, locally and more widely, through the impactful and generous gift of time, support, grants and mentoring
  • To support Trust recipients’ sense of purpose in the midst of a world that is uncertain in many ways
  • To leave a legacy of good work which is an inspiration to others

Kāmahi Trust Recipients

Apply for Support

If you would like to apply for support from The Kāmahi Trust, please click here.

Meet the Kāmahi Trustees


We have three Trustees – Sacha MacDonald, Rebecca Mason, and Richard Abel.


Contact the Kāmahi Trust

Contact us about The Kāmahi Trust or if you want to apply for one or more of our offers – grants, mentoring, or support.

We look forward to hearing from you.
