Nate Wilbourne – Gen-Z Aotearoa Project

Nate Wilbourne

Recently The Kāmahi Trust made a grant to a newly-formed organisation – Gen-Z Aotearoa – through an approach to one of its founders, 16-year-old Nate Wilbourne (pictured). Gen-Z Aotearoa is a youth-led organization on a mission to empower and amplify the voices of young people across Aotearoa. Through innovative initiatives, advocacy campaigns, and community engagement…

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Lucy Summerfield – pathfinding through music

Lucy Summerfield NZ

The Kāmahi Trust helped me to create a Kaiarahi role (guide/pathfinder) for COMMOTION 2023. I am so thankful for their support in bringing more young people into the fold of the passion and musical talent we have here in Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka-a-Māui (the top of the South Island). Kia ora, I’m Lucy…

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Isla Swanney – a passion for science

Isla Swanney NZ

Hello, my name is Isla and I am a passionate science student. I have always had a passion for science and the way it helps us to understand the world around us. In 2023 this passion scored me a place in the NZ Chemistry Olympiad team and a ticket to the International Olympiad in Switzerland.…

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An update from Kāmahi recipient Jessie Cross

The Kamahi Trust

My last week of coaching marks nearly 12 months since my husband and I moved to Nelson, and over 6 months since I started my coaching scholarship with Rebecca. Looking back over this time of massive change, I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunity to dive deep into what makes me tick, and perhaps more…

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EcoGirlNZ making a difference in the community

Sophie Smith Kamahi Trust Nelson

I am Sophie Weenink Smith and I am 15 years old. I have a passion for helping people and our environment. I aim to show people that no matter what someone’s age is, we can all make a difference in the world.  I feel so honoured to be the Youth Advocate for The Kāmahi Trust, providing…

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Jessie Cross, the Trust’s first scholarship recipient

Jessie Cross Kamahi Trust Nelson

Kia ora, I’m Jessie Cross. I’m 28 years old, and for as long as I can remember I’ve had one goal simmering away at the back of my mind: make the greatest positive impact that I can with the time that I have. Since finishing University in 2015, I’ve been on a winding path that…

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